There are seven key areas within any business which indicate a healthy business, and which will ensure that it will be successful as it develops and grows. In our experience, businesses / their owners are strong in two or three of these areas.

Our process explores all seven areas to develop a deep understanding of how to have control across the board. From “easy wins” to supporting long term strategic goals.

We have developed this assessment process from 50+ years of experience improving, buying and selling businesses. The BPD provides an impartial, real world interpretation on what you need to do within your business to understand options, develop objectives, create and deliver your plan. We work with you to interpret the findings and help you implement critical activities which will allow you to ensure your team and the legacy within your business is protected and, when the time is right, realise and maximise the sale value of your business. It is true, but often misunderstood, that most of the things you would do to improve a business are the same as those if you were on an exit planning process.

To introduce you to the process, we have developed an online, distilled down, version for you to try - for free! There are five sets of five questions which will provide instant feedback on your business.

Click on the Get Started Button below to get started.