Business Potential Diagnostic

Much of the value in going through the tool is in the interview and feedback sessions. This “devils advocate” approach will challenge your answers and prompt ideas whilst the feedback will prioritise a sensible number of the 67 areas into those that are achievable, actionable and will make a difference.

The full report splits the feedback down to seven key areas. Below we have distilled that down to 5 areas each with 5 questions (as opposed to a total of 151) with a simple ranking mechanism.

This will give you a free taster of what’s involved and instantly “score” your company out of 100 in total. There are also traffic light indicators for each section giving a simple visual feedback of where you are good or could benefit from improvement.

If you’d like more details on the full version, or to arrange a call back, please leave your details at the end.

Rank on the scale of 0-10 the extent to which you agree each statement;

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